The Bounty for the first RED victory: If You would like to add to this, leave me an E-mail.
A foil imperial gift, A Kakita Rensei (left over from previous bounty), a foil Shinjo Shono, a Doji Reju, a Fall on your Knees from Ender.
Me getting shit faced at origins (or gencon if the victory is at origins, or that night)
A foil Tsi Smith, Foil For the Clan (For the crab!),a foil Let your spirit guide you(since it guided you to RED), 2 kokujins, a crab builders(for building our future), and i hiruma's last breath(more crabby goodness) from me, with more coming soon most likely
I'm also in the process of making a 3-D RED stronghold, and will toss it in if you don't mind my partial arts and crafts skillz.
Iwagast adds 2 Hiruma's Last Breath's for a complete playset ;)