8/30/03 Ok, not THAT lazy I've had some things going on in my life that have made me updating a bit tougher. I'm going back to college in a couple of days, so I should be less busy... ;) Anyways, I made two cards for my persona, AND wrote up a GenCon report. So follow the link and enjoy. And here's Hida Arumasi and his Experienced version. |
8/4/03 Yes, I'm alive Contrary to myth, I did not die at GenCon. I am alive, and working on a big ol' tourney report. Our area is going to do a weekend of looking over DE and its subsequent sets and I think I'll relate our findings into a new article too. 'Till then. Also, now that Tsudao is dead, I kinda find Hida Hoitsu's flavor text kinda funny. That sucker. :) |
7/18/03 Some previews Sorry for the lack of updates as of late, life has been stirring lately. I'm working on an article about diamond which should be up after gencon, when i get more info. Well, I got a couple of scans from a friend and figured they are so cool that they need some spoiling. So, if you don't want to know what Yasuki Namika or Ichido no Shiryo do, then do not click those links. Thanks! |
7/7/03 More Previews No, really. Actual previews are up on Zen's site Steel & Iron. He got Rage and Hida Sozen, so either click the website name, or the thumbnails under the Winds Of Change banner to go to his awesome site. I suggest you browse around after seeing the previews too, since there's a whole lot of good info there. Enjoy! |
7/2/03 Hida Hoitsu This beefy berserker is up on AEG's site, but you already know that. |
7/1/03 Previews Well, I've got a new preview up. Enjoy. |
6/30/03 Rar to Origins Well, I'm back from Origins, and I have already written up my report. You can see it here. I stole the idea of picture placement from Ling, and Hadsall is pimpin' the product placement. :) |
6/24/03 Hot Damn Well, AEG has started their Card a day countdown. Today is some lion chick who isn't totally bad, but seems kinda overcosted. Oh well. Now to see if Kaiu Village or Koten (Crab hall of ancestors) is the Crab stronghold. Unfortunately, my gut says Kaiu, and I don't want a village for a stronghold. Gimme heavily fortified castles! Oh well, when more info comes available, I'll update. Now I'm packing for Origins, heading out tomorrow and bumming around till sunday when I come back. I should have a detailed report of all things L5R too by then. Who knows. |
6/20/03 A Few Things. A couple of things today. First off, my e-bay auctions closed, netting me about $80 to put towards origins and gencon. Rock. 11 cards from HoR for $80, almost pays for itself since I still have Osano-Wo, Judgement, Goju Yume, Gusai, and others. Second off, thanks to the glorious and ever-awesome Rakama I have new hosting since Fortunecity was giving me all kinds of sh!t so I dropped them like a bad habit. New site link is The Golden Crab. |
6/16/03 Been Bored and Busy Not too much of an update, but was bored today so I went through L5RSearch and copied all the current Diamond Legal cards. It was announced that the Diamond Edition list would be announced at GenCon so players and TOs could run "Diamond Simulated" events. Once Winds of Change comes out, I will add those cards to the diamond list; same when I get back from GenCon with the DE list. Hopefully. |
6/15/03 ::Sigh:: Well, Crab win two more kotei this weekend, so far. Crab claimed first and second at the Tennessee kotei and at least first with another t4 showing at the UK kotei. Both were with Hida, so still nobody has claimed our RED bounty. Please don't force me to play RED at Origins. But if it comes to that, I am more than prepared to win with it with RED. I've been toying around with an interesting RED control deck; it's kinda stupid but fun. Still no word from Guatemala and France reported Crane/Crane/Crane/Lion as t4, and once I get info on Guatemala it's going to be posted here. Till then, GLORY TO THE CRAB! |
6/10/03 New Article Up Between waking up at 2pm, and eating and doing nothing, I decided to write up my first article for the site, so I give you The State of the Crab Clan under the Reports Section. |
6/9/03(about 30 mins later) Bounty Update Ok, on IRC we decided that we need a new bounty. We are offering a bounty for a deck winning with Razor's Edge Dojo. If you want to add to this to see EVERY CRAB STRONGHOLD WIN A KOTEI drop me an email, and I will add it to the bounty section. If you want to see RED win, let everyone know! (First person to win with RED gets bounty, other are merely icing.) |
6/9/03 Some Kotei news Well, after a long night of ETG reports, new in at 5:30am (PST) was the a corrupt Yasuki Palaces deck won the gigantic(192 players) Everything to Gain 3. This victory is unique, since it is our 4th victory, and more uniquely with a 4th different stronghold. All we need now is a RED victory, and I would be a believer in "Crab being broken as all hell". According to the kotei points system on The Jade Hand crab now has 44 points (4 for 1st, 1 for 4th) and this is not including the Russian kotei, in which I believe crab took 2nd and/or 3rd. So H&E has had a dramatic effect on how Crab places. Only a couple more weekends of kotei left, and I am planning on attending Origins and Gencon, hope to see you all there! |
5/30/03 First Update Welcome to my site. This is probably the 3rd or 4th revision/change in service providers for this site. This site will definately be more geared towards Crab players, but I will also have stuff for/about/dealing with other clans. So if you have any suggestions or things to add to the substance of the site, drop me an email, or drop me an instant message. Thanks. |